Lopsie Liberty

Lopsie Liberty Bunny is all dressed up for a fabulous Fourth of July. She has come out with her family to enjoy the celebration, but she’s feeling a little frightened of all the loud noises and bright fireworks in the sky. She is wondering how long will this last and will she ever be able to get the ringing in her ears to stop! 

Her family even brought along some wonderful “Cherries and Berries Pie” to enjoy, but she is just too nervous to eat any.

Mother Liberty has noticed that Lopsie is feeling worried and doesn’t seem to be enjoying herself. So, she goes to the Bunny Mobile and looks for Lopsies favorite red blanket. Oh thank goodness she has found it! Mother carries the crimson red blanket over to where Lopsie is sitting and places it gently on the ground...soon Lopsie is feeling better knowing that she is not alone. Now she has the comfort of her blanket under her and mother nearby. Soon the fireworks come to an end and Lopsie finds time to have some pie. 

Later on her way home in the Bunny Mobile she thinks about the scary fireworks and realizes they weren’t so scary after all...maybe next time she’ll feel a bit braver as she watches the beautiful colors fly loudly into the sky. But, until then she’ll just have another piece of pie….

Remember as you enjoy your colorful celebration this year, there may be someone special like Lopsie who isn’t having as much fun as you. So if you can, please only spend the evening of the Fourth celebrating and try to keep the rest of July, fireworks free and safe.

Happy Fourth of July!
