A Cup of Crimson

June, June, June!

It’s that time of year when the fresh, sweet smell of strawberries fills the air. Oh, that aroma is ever so wonderfully sweet, this is a sweet treat I’d be happy to eat!

Red beautiful berries are so tempting to one’s tummy and today it would seem they have tempted Langa the lively hare’s tummy, for something deliciously yummy!

Langa has found her way to Miss Sally’s garden, where Miss Sally has planted beautiful tea cups filled with luscious, crimson treats, each little cup filled up and ready to eat. No one will be left out, not even a lively hare, with her eyes on these crimson orbs of a mouthwatering surprise!

Miss Sally is known throughout the village for her strawberries so sweet...every year at the county fair she’s the one to beat, when it comes to growing these delicious crimson treats. Miss Tansy tries her best to grow her strawberries big, bright and sweet...but she is always met with a sad defeat, as Miss Sally’s berries always win the blue ribbon for best of show, don’t you know! 

Yes! June is the time to treat yourself to a sweet, delicious cup of crimson...so come on by Miss Sally’s, she’ll have plenty to share, that is if Langa the lively hare hasn’t already been there....

