A Rose In The Sky

I spy a rose in the sky! 

Yes! It’s Anthony Charles, a mouse of great flying skills, piloting his rose plane over the mountains and hills.

He will fly all day long with his tail flag waving a positive song.

You can not miss him because his plane is such a beautiful green, the most beautiful green I’ve ever seen.

Anthony Charles he flies high and low, he is a busy mouse who is always on the go!

Some months can be windy, rainy, gloomy and very stormy for flying, but May begins the end of all those wicked days, now the skies are wonderfully crystal clear for flying. 

May is also the month for beautiful blooms to begin, roses to tickle your noses and petals so delicate, pure and sweet just waiting to be plucked and tucked into the arms of a spring bride as she poses.

Anthony Charles will continue to fly on, into his day, reminding us all of the wonders of May.

Why...everything’s coming up roses, I would most certainly have to say….
