Davy Gray

Davy Gray is tuckered out today and has found a wonderfully cozy place to lay.

Tucked up tight inside this Lotus Star, is where Davy has decided to settle, drifting off to sleep amongst the fragrant white petals. 

Shhh...be ever so quiet as not to wake Davy from his sleep.

Look at his tiny pink nose as it quickly wiggles and his fine whiskers twitching as if they have an enormous itching. 

Watching Davy sleep is such a wondrous affair, his slow gentle breaths flowing onto the air. 

Oh! Did you hear that? I think he just sneezed! Yes, it was Davy, sneezing so quickly into the breeze.

I can only imagine how amazing it would be to curl up tight into a Lotus Star and softly drift off to sleep...so until I become tiny enough to try, I’ll be content enough to just watch this sweet little guy….

