Valentine Snow

Valentine Snow

Oh! Can you smell it? Cotton Candy Snow!

That can only mean one thing. And that one thing or should I say Soul, is on her way, bringing with her mounds of cotton candy snow, happiness and most of all loads of love!

That very special Snow Soul is, without a doubt, Valentine Snow! She is making the rounds to all the Snow Souls in Snow-Blossom’s village. She has her magical bag of sweets all filled and ready for delivery. No soul will be left to ponder what wonderful treat Valentine has in her bag of love…everyone will get a treat and a valentine card too, one that will say, “I love you so much! Yes, I truly do!”

As Valentine bounces over the snow in her cinnamon red coat, she will leave in her wake, piles upon piles of cotton candy snow. 

Everyone loves this extra snow cone treat! Yes, all the Snow Souls’ of Snow Blossom village will scoop up this tasty sweet snow, enjoying its pink vanilla flavor to their heart's content.

Cotton candy snowflakes will also fall from the sky…this always happens when Valentine passes by. So stick out your tongue and catch a flake or two, quickly now, before they float away.

So when you hear someone say “I smell snow!” Check your calendar, because it could possibly be Valentine’s Day, which means Valentine and cotton candy snow may just be on the way….