Winter Bird

Winter Bird

Brrr! It is so cold! The wind is blowing and all around it is snowing.

Winter’s very cold, so hold on tight Birdie! 

Yes! You little Birdie in your fuzzy, warm scarf and cap…hold on tight with all your winter might! 

Oh Birdie, so fluffy and cute, clutch that branch, for the winter’s wind can be such a brute!

Winter is beautiful even with all its worry and today is no exception as you see all the winter clad people scurry!

Snowflakes fly into the arctic-lavender, frosted sky, as your tiny little feet greet the birch branch that bounces about in the winter’s wild, windswept dance.

Birdie…soon this winter’s storm will subside and you will no longer need to hide, beneath the confines of a scarf and fuzzy cap…but until that time tuck yourself in and enjoy a little warm, cozy nap….