
I smell something wonderful floating on the November air. Ah! The glorious fragrance of colorful, autumn nasturtiums. 

Seems tiny Tinka is picking a big, pumpkin-orange nasturtium for roasting, that she and her Thanksgiving guests will enjoy as they all sit together around the Thanksgiving table. Soon they all will be delighting in a bounty of delicious harvested foods picked fresh by Tinka herself and enjoying the conversation of stories being shared, while bursts of laughter and joy circle around the table of thanks. 

Yes! Her mini mushroom home will be packed tight with her many fairy friends and family, while the glow of soft candle light dances off the walls and onto fluttering fairy wings, tickling them with its mellow, golden tones. 

After an evening of thankfulness, all will depart with their tummies and hearts filled to the brim with warmth and great happiness.

May your day of thanks be as joyful and fun-filled as Tinka’s fairy filled home and may the travel fairies find you and guide you safely to your destination wherever that may be….
