Hampton Hedgehog

Breezes blowing and life's a flowing.

Swinging and swaying the day away is Hampton Hedgehog. Hampton seems to have found the perfect two, cotton candy, pink flowers for swinging his little prickly self upon.

I bet he spends a good portion of his day just dangling high up on the stems of these lovely flowers, as butterflies flutter about his tiny head. Each flap of a butterfly's wings give a small boost to Hamptons swinging. With all that extra help he could just be there all day.

Below Hampton’s petite toes are small creatures looking for a lift. Will he stop swinging long enough for them to catch a ride or will he just float along, singing a swinging, swaying song, spending his time enjoying the beautiful sun shining day?

I hope your day is filled with a swinging, singing, swaying song in your heart and that you find yourself floating on the breeze with warm winds gently flowing about your sweet petite toes, while butterflies dance around you with wings of fluttering joy.
