Benny Bunny

All dressed up for a summer dinner delight, is Benny Bunny in his bow tie of blue and white stripes. 

The last golden day of summer is about to sink away into the crisp days of fall, but before it does, Benny will be sinking his teeth into these delicious, vibrant orange carrots without stall.

Butterflies flutter about his head, dancing from glorious summer flowers and stems that surround Benny in his lovely summer dining den.

Benny will nibble and chew his way to the end of this day, giving not a thought to the fall world that will soon be on display. 

His whiskers will twitch and wriggle as Benny enjoys each sublime bite, he hasn’t a care while he enjoys his dinner delight.

Soon the sun will set and Benny will bounce away, off into the night, which will be followed by the rising of a beautiful autumn day….