
Say hello to my friend Filbert!

Filbert is such a chipper little fellow who loves to scamper from tree to tree, scooping up nuts, berries and seeds from under summer’s flowers, bushes and trees, then stuffing away as much yummy goodness as he can possibly fit into those cute little cheeks of his.

Today it would seem he’s stopped to enjoy a delicious little Sun Rose that has managed to hang on through the hot summer. Look at him nibbling away on the sweet little flowers bright red-orange petals, all the while, his tiny whiskers wiggle and twitch! Such an adorable sight he is. 

After Filbert finishes his tiny treat, he’ll be back to work, collecting up more nuts, berries and seeds to eat during the winter’s long, cold, snowy season. He has already packed his little nest with all kinds of soft twigs, moss and leaves which will help to keep him comfy and warm. In this little nest, which is snugly tucked down under a very large oak tree, you’ll find some small mushrooms and acorns that Filbert has already, safely stored away. Filbert leaves no time to dawdle...he stays tremendously busy during the last portion of summer’s days.

So if you’re out enjoying some woodland love this summer, say a little hello to my friend Filbert. I guarantee he’ll put a smile on your face, giving you some chipper joy to carry with you while hiking through his wonderful, woodland world.

May the rest of your summer be filled with sun, seeds, nuts, berries and a warm, mossy, breeze….