Tot-Bot and Friends

Woooo! Woooo! Boo!

Into the moonlit night where clouds float overhead, bats flap their wings in a fast flutter and the howling of a dark beast pierce the nights cool air. You will find on an unbeaten path many Trick-or-Treaters with their bags filled full of goodies and joy. But unlike most nights when they would typically avoid this path less traveled, they find themselves drawn to an old haunted mansion that sits atop Twisted Oak Hill. From inside this mansion sounds of classical piano music drift out onto the eerie night air.

The music gets louder as each Trick-or-Treater approaches the weather worn entry that has seen many wicked storms from years passed. Creak! Creak! Creak...cry out the boards as each tiny foot finds its way up the archaic steps. 

On the front porch phantoms drift about in the windows candlelight. Are they an illusion or truely spirits that have lost their way?  

At the bottom of the hill the sound of metal rattles loudly. Standing in a row are Tot-Bot, A-Bot and Dog-Bot. They seem to be contemplating the idea of going up Twisted Oak Hill. Will the candy haul be worth the frightening trip or will it be the last Trick-or-Treat trip they ever take? 

What should they do? If it were me Iā€™d risk it! Sometimes the things that scare you most really end up being nothing at all. What would you do? 

Well whichever path you take this Halloween may it be safe, but also a little terrifying too, just for the spooktacular memory of it all.

Happy Halloween. Boo!